emma szabó

Your name
Emma Szabó
Place of birth
Budapest, Hungary
Place where you live now
Budapest, Hungary
3 words to describe you
honest, outspoken, curious
Why do you take pictures?
Because I have a bad memory. Joking aside, photography helps me to organise and see myself and my life stages more clearly.
Where do you get your inspiration?
Ordinary life is quite enough and inspiring for me.
Who are your influences?
Larry Clark, Boris Mikhailov, Diane Arbus, Richard Billingham, Fryd Frydendahl, Roger Ballen, Juergen Teller
What determines the subject matter you choose?
It is determined by my own life situation and my past.
What impact would you like your art to have?
My art is not intended to have a global impact. It mainly has an impact on my life, where it helps me to process trauma. But if I look at it universally, maybe I want to send a message that family is not sacred and inviolable. It is very vulnerable, perhaps it carries the most trauma in a person's life.
What artwork do you never get bored with?
All Larry Clark, and Harmony Korine and Ulrich Seidl films and the work of Damien Hirst - For the Love of God.
Is there anything you want to add?
Never read Coelho quotes because they are all bullshit.

Project statement

The spectrum of teenage rebellion is broad. I have gradually danced along this spectrum, to get my parents to notice me, to the most extreme point, which is teenage pregnancy.
I got pregnant before graduation and then again two years later.
This put a responsibility on my shoulders that I had to grow up with at a very early age. The intertwining of my children and my own life stages always raises new questions. It's a bit like we have to grow up together, taking turns healing each other's wounds. My mental health problems and my relationship with the father of my children present me with constant crises that cannot be avoided.
Balancing between different roles brings a lot of frustration, so my medium for communicating my thoughts has become photography.

emma szabo