maud evrard

Your name
Maud Evrard
Place of birth
Senlis, France
Place where you live now
Berlin, Germany
3 words to describe you
sensory, contemplative, passionate
Why do you take pictures?
My photographic practice is above all driven by an existential need. Through my images, I express visually what inhabits me deep down inside, what challenges me, touches me, fascinates me. Photography allows me to enter into a relationship with myself and with the world.
Where do you get your inspiration?
Nature is my main source of inspiration. More precisely, the links between living beings and nature.
Who are your influences?
My influences come from various artistic fields, some of which are: the photographic work of Roni Horn, the painting of Bram van Velde, the cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky, and the writings of Gaston Bachelard. The works that have made the greatest impression on me often have in common that they are silent, mysterious and contemplative, inhabited by an idea of timelessness and universality.
What determines the subject matter you choose?
My experience, my feelings, my inner needs determine the choice of my subject. I leave a lot of room for intuition in my work process while having a red thread, an idea that’s often still vague but guiding.
What impact would you like your art to have?
Challenge the spectator through their own interiority, summon their imagination, arouse an emotion.
What artwork do you never get bored with?
Several works of art have a power of fascination over me that escapes boredom. I cannot make an exclusive choice.
Is there anything you want to add?
Thank you, see-zeen, for sharing my work!

Project statement

The Kosmogonía series interweaves the human, the animal and the vegetable. In a dreamlike form, it suggests the deep links between the different living organisms, their intrinsic communication as well as the notion of interdependence.

Immersed in nature, human figures – some of which metamorphose into hybrid creatures – resonate with the living things that surround them.

The association of these scattered fragments, memories of sensory experiences, assembled as in a puzzle, reveals a world where everything exists in correlation ... like these communicating networks formed by flocks of birds, or these infinite arboreal ramifications and underground layers of roots and rhizomes.

maud evrard